In 2021, groups across Europe came together to confront the communications strategies of big polluters with four days of decentralised, coordinated actions in the run up to COP26.
Watch the wrap-up video from the days of action here:
Take action in 2022
We are inviting groups to join us in further decentralised action against fossil advertising and sponsorship.
Together we will:
- Reclaim corporate advertising spaces with creative artworks that challenge the fossil fuel industry.
- Organise protest actions against fossil industry, airlines and car manufacturers as well as advertising agencies which promote these high carbon industries.
- Continue campaigns to remove these big polluters from our sports clubs, museums, universities and art galleries.
- Call for advertising and sponsorship bans on fossil fuels, cars and aviation.
- Create online material to parody the marketing campaigns of big polluters.
How to get started:
- Sign up to our Newsletter for the latest updates and opportunities to be involved
- Take the movement mapping survey to let us know how we can support you and/or your group to take action
- Watch the recording of our Actions conference in September 2021, to learn more about why we act and be inspired by other activists
- Watch the recording of our Offline Tactics skillshare
- Be inspired by our tactics toolkit
- Read our coverage from the 2021 Days of Action in the blog series below
- Follow the story on social media: #BanFossilAds
High carbon advertising and greenwash
Fossil fuel, airline and car industries are continuing to launch aggressive greenwashing campaigns, and to fill our spaces with adverts and sponsorships that normalise a high-carbon economy.

Looking at their adverts and sponsorships, high carbon companies repeatedly present themselves as socially-responsible renewable energy firms, promoting ‘natural’ gas and biofuel as transition fuels, carbon offset schemes and making vague and distant promises to reach ‘net zero’ carbon emissions. All of this acts as a smokescreen for continued business-as-usual and rising emissions.
Behind the corporate greenwash, there are highly lucrative oil and gas companies, auto makers, the aviation industry as well as advertising agencies promoting these polluters. The advertising industry is a high carbon industry – yet it has largely escaped public scrutiny.
Fossil fuel industries are in defence mode. As concern over climate breakdown reaches new heights, major polluters are struggling to stay relevant and culturally acceptable. We must be ready to act as they spend further billions of dollars on PR and advertising campaigns, and entangle their logos in our sports and cultural institutions. Join us in taking action in 2022.
Coverage from the European Days of Action, October 2021
Momentum grows for Fossil Ad & Sponsorship Bans – wrap up blog
October 2021 Fossil ads seriously damage your health and our planet: Following the tobacco industry’s playbook, major polluters are using our public spaces and institutions to greenwash their image, delaying climate action by framing themselves as part of the solutions. In fact, a new report released last week, by DeSmog, found that an average of…… Read More
European subvertising campaign targets ad industry’s role in climate breakdown
More than 200 bus stop spaces were hijacked with spoof adverts in the UK, Paris and Belgium this weekend, as activists target the advertising industry over its role in propping up major polluters. The subvertising campaign, coordinated by the anonymous Brandalism network, was part of the wave of grassroots actions across Europe in protest against all…… Read More
Ad Hijacking in Paris
Paris, 2021-10-09: This Saturday, bus stops in Paris who continuously pester passer-bys with high consumption, cheap trips, cars and fossil fuel ads were hijacked by activists from Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire (RAP) and Extinction Rebellion Paris / Île-de-France! Read More
Ad cover-ups in Bristol, England
An action in Bristol saw three advertising sites across the city put to better use on Saturday as part of the European days of action to ban fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships. Adblock Bristol, a group campaigning to prevent harmful advertising including for high-carbon products, covered up ads at a phone kiosk and standalone ad…… Read More
Une centaine d’affiches contre la publicité fossile à Liège, Belgique
Mercredi soir 6 Octobre, des activistes du collectif Liège Sans Pub ont placardé une centaine d’affiches dans la ville avec pour cible la publicité des entreprises fossiles telles que les industries automobiles. Les affiches représentaient un modèle de voiture SUV de la marque Land Rover (une des plus polluantes au Royaume-Uni, qui a notamment été…… Read More