Momentum grows for Fossil Ad & Sponsorship Bans – wrap up blog

October 2021 Fossil ads seriously damage your health and our planet: Following the tobacco industry’s playbook, major polluters are using our public spaces and institutions to greenwash their image, delaying climate action by framing themselves as part of the solutions. In fact, a new report released last week, by DeSmog, found that an average of… Continue reading Momentum grows for Fossil Ad & Sponsorship Bans – wrap up blog

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Ad Hijacking in Paris

Paris, 2021-10-09: This Saturday, bus stops in Paris who continuously pester passer-bys with high consumption, cheap trips, cars and fossil fuel ads were hijacked by activists from Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire (RAP) and Extinction Rebellion Paris / Île-de-France!

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Greenpeace blocks Shell refinery in Rotterdam port

Greenpeace NL activists climb a Shell oil silo in Pernis, the Netherlands, and paste advertisements for fossil fuel industries. More than 80 Greenpeace Netherlands activists from 12 EU countries are using fossil fuel ads from all over Europe to block the entrance to Shell’s oil refinery. The peaceful protest comes as over 20 organizations launched a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) petition today, calling for a new law that bans fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship in the European Union. Actievoerders van Greenpeace Nederland beklimmen bij Pernis een olietank van Shell en beplakken de silo met reclames van de fossiele industrie. Actievoerders uit heel Europa blokkeren samen met Greenpeace Nederland de toegang tot de Tweede Petroleumhaven in Pernis. De vreedzame actie markeert de start van een Europees burgerinitiatief (EBI) waarin wordt opgeroepen tot een wet die reclame voor fossiele brandstoffen in de EU verbiedt.

Rotterdam, 4 October 2021 – More than 80 activists from 12 EU countries used fossil fuel ads from all over Europe to block the entrance to Shell’s refinery in the port of Rotterdam. The peaceful protest comes as over 20 organisations launched a European Citizens’ Initiative campaign today, calling for a new law that bans fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship in the European Union.

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